
  1. Ko, C. H., Depcik, C., and Hashemi, M. “Work zone safety system.” Provisional patent no. 63/524,540 (under review).
Journal Papers
  1. Al-Bayati, A. J., Abreu, T. T. P. d., and Ko, C. H. (Jan. 2025). Tackling Challenges in Implementing Behavior-Based Safety (BBS): Construction Safety Culture Focus, Special Issue of Construction Safety, Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 15(1), 0005. (
  2. Akhanova, G. and Ko, C. H. (Nov. 2024). Developing AI-based Training Systems for Hispanic Workers in Small Construction Companies, SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, 11(11), 58-66. (
  3. Maali, O., Ko, C. H., and Nguyen, P. H. D. (Feb. 2024). “Applications of Existing and Emerging Construction Safety Technologies” Automation in Construction, 158, 105231. (
  4. Patel, D. A., Mansuri, L. and Dharmapalan, V. (May 2024). Special Issue for the 2023 Construction Safety Conference,  Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 14(2).
  5. Ko, C. H. (August 2022). “Constraints and limitations of concrete 3D printing in architecture.” Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology20(5), 1334-1348. (
  6. Ko, C. H. and Abdulmajeed, H. A. (June 2022). “Improving Construction Safety: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 in the United States.” Sustainability,14(12), 7137. ( (Special issue: Advances in Construction Safety Management Practices) 
Conference Papers
  1. Ko, C. H., Nguyen, P., Maali, O., Al-Bayati, A. (Sep. 2-5, 2024). “Trends and Limitations of Current Construction Safety Technologies.” Proceedings of CITC-14: 14th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 770-779.
  2. Maali, O. N., Ko, C. H., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (Aug. 2024). “Trends and Limitations of Current Construction Safety Technologies.” Advances in Engineering Project, Production, and Technology. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2023), 331-345, Springer, Cham
  3. Al-Bayati, A. J., Aramali, V., Ko, C. H. (May 2024). “Assessing Usability of the Construction Safety Culture and Climate Framework: A Crucial Method for Advancing Construction Safety.” Proceedings of 2024 Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Des Moines, Iowa, 417-424.
  4. Ko, C. H. and Abdulmajeed, H. A. (June 2022). “Analysis of Construction Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic.” Proceedings of the 7th International E-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management - ICETM 2022, 14-17.


  1. Ko, C. H. (Dec. 10, 2024). “Applications of Construction Safety Technologies: Work Zone Geofencing Systems.” National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  2. Ko, C. H. (Dec. 5-7, 2024). Keynote Speaker. “Applications of Construction Safety Technologies: Work Zone Geofencing Systems.” 2024 (6th) International Conference on Architecture, Construction, Environment and Hydraulics, Taichung, Taiwan.
  3. Ko, C. H. (Dec. 4, 2024). “Applications of Construction Safety Technologies: Work Zone Geofencing Systems.” National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  4. Ko, C. H. (Sep. 19, 2024). Keynote Speaker. “Applications of Construction Safety Technologies.” Joint Conference of 2024 (14th) International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM2024) and 5th Zaytoonah Engineering Conference (ZEC2024), Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
  5. Ko, C.H. (Aug. 16-17, 2024). “ASCE Kansas Section.” ASCE Region 7 Annual Assembly, St. Louis, Missouri.
  6. Al-Bayati, A.J., Abreu, T.T.P.d., and Ko, C.H. (July 25, 2024). “Tackling Challenges in Implementing Behavior-Based Safety (BBS): Construction Safety Culture Focus.” 2024 (3rd) Construction Safety Conference, Lawrence, Kansas.
  7. Ko, C.H., Nguyen, P., Maali, O., Al-Bayati, A. (June 27, 2024). “Trends and Limitations of Current Construction Safety Technologies.” 2024 (28th) Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management, Yunlin County, Taiwan.
  8. Al-Bayati, A. J., Aramali, V., Ko, C. H. (Mar. 20-23, 2024). “Assessing Usability of the Construction Safety Culture and Climate Framework: A Crucial Method for Advancing Construction Safety.” 2024 Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Des Moines, Iowa.
  9. Maali, O. N., Ko, C. H., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (Nov. 29 - Dec.1, 2023). “Trends and Limitations of Current Construction Safety Technologies.” 2023 (13th) Conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Auckland, New Zealand.
  10. Ko, C. H. and Abdulmajeed, H. A. (June 11, 2022). “Analysis of Construction Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic.” 7th International E-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management - ICETM 2022, Virtual meeting.
Technical Reports
  1. Ko, C. H. and Sumanth, K. L. (July 2024). 2024 Construction Safety Conference Brochure.The Craig and Diane Martin National Center for Construction Safety (NCCS), University of Kansas.
  2. Dilip, A. P., Lukman, E. M., Ko, C. H. and  Al-Bayati. A. J. (July 2024). 2024 Construction Safety Book of Abstract.The Craig and Diane Martin National Center for Construction Safety (NCCS), University of Kansas.
  3. Dilip, A. P. and Lukman, E. M. (August 2023). 2023 Construction Safety Book of Abstract. The Craig and Diane Martin National Center for Construction Safety (NCCS), University of Kansas.
  4. Ko, C. H. and Bhattarai, S. (August 2023). 2023 Construction Safety Conference Brochure. The Craig and Diane Martin National Center for Construction Safety (NCCS), University of Kansas.
  5. Ko, C. H. (August 2022). NCCS White Paper: Introducing and Embedding Safety Culture Concepts in Undergraduate Education.