Exhibit Opportunities
Increase Your Exposure to Key Customers
By sponsoring an event at the Construction Safety Conference, you demonstrate your support for the construction industry while receiving benefits and enhancing your reputation among the participants. The conference draws participants from various professional backgrounds, including:
- Civil and construction engineers
- Consulting engineers
- Public works directors
- Leadership in the construction industry
- Representatives of state and federal agencies
- Professors and students
Exhibitor Benefits
- Verbal acknowledgement during the opening session
- Company logo to be shown in the conference program given to every attendee
- Company logo to be shown on the conference website, where your company logo will appear with a link to your company’s website
- Free conference registration for two attendees included with each exhibitor
- An exhibit space
Exhibit Spaces
- Location: Forum D, The Burge Union
- Exhibit Space: 6’ deep x 8’ wide
- Table w/ cloth and two chairs provided, or free-standing space
- Space not reserved until the Exhibitor Application and Payment received
- Location is available on a first-come basis.
- Exhibit period:
July 24, 2024, 18:00 to 21:00
July 25, 2024, 09:00 to 17:00
Exhibitor Registration
Pay the registration fee and upload a high-resolution logo (at least 72 dpi) to be included in the conference program.
Once registration is done, Kindly mail us a high-resolution logo (at least 72 dpi) to csc2024@ku.edu